By clicking the research titles below, you can access our round up of early years pedagogical research papers covering:
Race and racism
Children's voice in disagreements
Digital documenting of children's learning
Make sense of what you read by asking yourself these 5 takeaway questions:
What is the main message I am supposed to take from this?
What reasons have the author(s) offered to support their point of view?
Did anything surprise me as I read the article?
Does what I read match with my understanding and/or experience of the subject? How?
In which ways may reading the article influence or change my perspective of the subject?
01. Shaddai Tembo (2021) ‘Hang on, she just used that word like it’s totally easy’: Encountering ordinary racial affects in early childhood education and care. Ethnicities, 21(5), 875–892.

[Tembo] provides new knowledges on experiences of race and racism, introduces affect and what it does for our understanding of the ways in which power relations operate in respect of race"
02. Kate Cowan & Rosie Flewitt (2021) Moving from paper-based to digital documentation in Early Childhood Education: democratic potentials and challenges, International Journal of Early Years Education, DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2021.2013171

03. Eija Salonen, Emma Koitto, Marianne Notko, Maria Lahtinen & Eija Sevón (2022) Child–educator disagreements in Finnish early childhood education and care: young children’s possibilities for influence, Early Years, DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2022.2051167

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